Restoran China City u Landshutu.
Sve što možeš pojesti - to znači plati jednom i jedi koliko god možeš i koliko želiš, sa svježe pripremljenim mesom i povrćem.
tel. Br.: 0 871 -

Restaurant Ashoka |> Berlin.

Pub Oedipus Brewing |> Amsterdam.

Restaurant Bombay Masala |> Madrid.

Cafe Profumo di caffè |> Roma.

Restaurant Urbana 47 |> Roma.

Cafe Cafe Shelley's |> London.

Restaurant Gochü Sidrería Contemporánea |> Madrid.

Restaurant Ramen Takumi |> New York.

Restaurant Little Saigon |> Amsterdam.

Restaurant Möllers Köttbullar |> Berlin.

Pub Zur Quelle |> Berlin.

Restaurant Asia Haus III |> Berlin.

Restaurant Zentrale 31 |> Berlin.

Bar Tavern at the Park |> Chicago.

Restaurant 676 Restaurant & Bar |> Chicago.

Restaurant Taco Mundo |> Amsterdam.

Restaurant Melrose Cafe |> Los Angeles.

Restaurant Canton Restaurant & Tavern |> London.

Restaurant Mega Döner |> Bernau bei Berlin.

Restaurant Le Saint-Amour |> Paris.